Me (Dave) wearing the very first Demented Radio t-shirt
Demented Radio Cap (along side a StreamGuys cap...Hmmm)


Wayne (Clecky Records) showing off the willey walleye he caught while
wearing his lucky Demented Radio hat.

Paul Thomas (Producer of "The Twisted Troubadour"), is showing off his nifty
new Demented Radio t-shirt.
Nachos as big as your Ass!
Costa Rica

Wayne (Clecky Records) took this shot of his Demented Radio hat at "Eat at Joe's" in Tamarindo, Costa Rica.  Proof positive that nothing goes together better with Demented Radio than Nachos As Big As Your Ass.

Another Costa Rica pic from Wayne (Clecky Records).
Demented Radio...funny enough to put a grin on the stone face of a Costa Rican idol.
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